About Me

Passionate full-stack developer with robust design and problem-solving skills. A highly disciplined and motivated person having proficiency in a wide range of front-end and back-end skills like node JS, JavaScript, Express JS, MongoDB, etc. He is looking forward to launching his career as a node JS back-end developer.

  • HTML
    With a solid grasp of HTML, I create websites that are not only visually pleasing but also highly functional.
  • CSS
    By utilizing CSS to its fullest potential, I am able to create beautiful, responsive websites that provide an excellent user experience.
  • JavaScript
    As an expert in JavaScript, I bring websites to life with interactive features and functionality that elevate the user experience.
  • Node JS
    My expertise in Node.js allows me to build robust and scalable server-side applications that can handle high traffic volumes with ease.
  • MongoDB
    With my knowledge of MongoDB, I am able to create and manage databases that store data in a way that is efficient, organized, and easily accessible.
  • Express
    Utilizing the power of Express, I create fast and efficient web applications that provide an exceptional user experience.
  • DSA
    My strong foundation in Data Structures and Algorithms enables me to write optimized and efficient code that can handle complex tasks with ease.
  • Team Collaboration
    I excel in team environments, working with others towards a common goal, fostering collaboration and unity to achieve success.
  • Remote Collaboration
    In the digital age, I have honed my ability to collaborate remotely, utilizing technology and communication tools to maintain productivity and ensure effective teamwork, regardless of location.
  • Problem Solving
    I am a natural problem solver, utilizing critical thinking and creativity to analyze complex issues and devise effective solutions.
  • Time Management
    With exceptional time management skills, I prioritize tasks, work efficiently, and meet deadlines, ensuring projects are completed on time and to the highest standard.
  • Decision Making
    I possess strong decision-making skills, using data and insights to make informed choices, taking into account multiple perspectives and potential outcomes.
  • Communication
    I have excellent communication skills, articulating complex ideas and information in a clear and concise manner, while actively listening to others and fostering positive relationships.
  • Full Stack Web Development (Full Time)
    Masai School, Bengaluru
    October/2022 - May/2023
  • Bachelor of Arts (English Literature)
    DR. Ram Manohar Lohia Awadh University Ayodhya (U.P.)
    June/2019 - August/2022
  • High Secondary (PCM)
    M.B. College Barabanki
    April/2017 - May/2019

My Services

Website Development

Design, development, and maintenance of responsive and dynamic websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Backend Development

Building robust and scalable server-side applications using Node.JS.

Database Design and Development

Designing and implementing efficient database structures using MongoDB.

API Development

Developing APIs to connect different systems and enable seamless data exchange.

Cloud Hosting and Deployment

Deploying and managing web applications on cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.

Maintenance and support

Providing ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure the smooth running of web applications.







Express JS









Vs Code


MongoDB Compass



Simple and intuitive interface, for finding perfect movie / tv-show, allowing users to explore.

Tech Stacks Used: React || SCss || JS/JSX ||Npm Packages

Key Features:

  • Responsive Design : This website is fully responsive from phone to Laptop and bigger screens as well.
  • Home Page: Nav Bar with dropdowns, Dynamic banner, carousels, search bar, Header, Footer & slider
  • Details-Page: Clicked movie details are shown on this page with recommendations, similar movies , videos related to movie.
  • Explore-Page: User Clicked dayanmic either movies or tv-shows page to choose from.
  • Cart Page with Removing Product and apply Coupon functionality
  • Search-Result-Page : User's Searched movies/tv-shows results displayed
  • PageNotFound : If user enters any wrong url after base url then this page will be shown.


Fashion ecommerce website, Our platform is designed to provide an exceptional online shopping experience for fashion lovers all around the world.

Tech Stacks Used: Html || Css || JavaScript || NodeJS || MongoDB || Mongoose || Express || jwt Authentication

Key Features:

  • Landing Page with Mega Navbar, Footer, Sliders
  • Sign in and Signup Page with validation functionality
  • Multiple Types of Product's Pages with Filter , Sort ,Search
  • Dynamic Individual Product Page with Add To Cart,
  • Cart Page with Removing Product and apply Coupon functionality
  • Details form and Checkout Page for payments.
  • Admin Page which can manege all data collection (supports adding , removing ,updating a product)


Fitness website, Our platform is designed to provide an exceptional online Fitness classes with trainers having experience from all around the world.

Tech Stacks Used: Html || Css || JavaScript || NodeJS || MongoDB || Mongoose || Express || jwt Authentication

Key Features:

  • Responsive
  • Landing Page with Navbar, Footer, Sliders
  • Side Navbar for smaller screens
  • Sign in and Signup Page with validation functionality
  • Multiple Types of classes's Pages with Filter , Sort ,Search
  • Dynamic Individual class detail/trainer details Page with Add To Cart,
  • Details form and Checkout Page for payments.
  • Admin Page which can manege all data collection (supports adding , removing ,updating a class/trainer)


Lensekart Clone Website, Our platform is designed to provide designer glasses at lower cost all around the world.

Tech Stacks Used: Html || Css || JavaScript

Key Features:

  • Landing Page with Mega Navbar, Footer, Sliders
  • Sign in and Signup Page with validation functionality
  • Multiple Types of Product's Pages with Filter , Sort ,Search
  • Dynamic Individual Product Page with Add To Cart, Delivery Check at pin your code functionality
  • Cart Page with Removing Product and apply Coupon functionality
  • Details form and Checkout Page for payments.
  • Admin Page


InternShip and Courses Website, Our platform is designed To connect employers to young talent all over India.

Tech Stacks Used: Html || Css || JavaScript

Key Features:

  • Landing Page with Side Navbar, Footer, Testimonial Slider
  • Sign in and Signup Page with validation functionality
  • Internship Page with Filter , Sort ,Search ,View and Apply to Internship Functionality
  • Courses Page with Add To Cart functionality
  • Cart Page with Removing Product and apply Coupon functionality
  • Checkout Page for payments.

Masai Vaccination App:

Fashion ecommerce website, Our platform is designed to provide an exceptional online shopping experience for fashion lovers all around the world.

Tech Stacks Used: Html || Css || JavaScript

Key Features:

  • Landing Page with Navbar, Footer
  • Registration Page with validation and OTP functionality
  • Vaccination Page with all the users' details
  • Vaccinated Users Pages with Filter , Sort ,Search

My Github Contribution

7oSkaaa's Github Stats
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most used languages

Contact Me


+91 93056033194

Download Resume